GlowHost just might be the best web hosting provider that you may have never heard of. For over a decade, the company's unique approach to web hosting has resulted in an extremely well-oiled machine that has been the invisible backbone for hundreds of thousands of domains worldwide. GlowHost specializes in extremely reliable, affordable web hosting plans for individuals, businesses, and enterprise hosting operations of all shapes and sizes, from all walks of life and nearly every country and continent on the planet.
By the way, GlowHost's in-house Technical Team shares hundreds of years of combined hosting expertise, which is at your disposal day or night, holiday or weekends, 24 hours a day, 365 days per year, holidays included. We maintain top-notch staffing guidelines, and our motto is training, training and more training to provide the best possible hosting experience for our valued customers.
GlowHost takes much of the guesswork out of hosting for our customers because we have tried potential solutions, tested those solutions, and what we ended up with was the best of those solutions in place for virtually any web hosting need. Due to our longevity in the hosting industry, GlowHost has amassed an army of strategic partners that not only offer solutions to common hosting needs, but our volume purchasing relationships that we have established with our vendors allows GlowHost to pass the savings along to our valued customers.
GlowHost uses top of the line hardware, like HP StorageWorks SANs, CISCO switches and routing equipment, Intel Processors, server-grade hard drives and memory modules, and, well, you get the picture. There is no skimping when it comes to the quality of our hardware. We house our hardware in several premium, carrier neutral datacenters across the United States.
And nope, GlowHost is not the cheapest web hosting provider out there, but then ask yourself, when your online business is on the line, why would you want the cheapest web hosting available? Quality hardware, in-house staff and services simply cost more than if we were to outsource these services to overseas call and support centers. The very small price difference compared to the cheapest host you can find will easily make up for itself in the long run in the form of peace of mind, web site reliability and top notch customer service reps who pay very close attention to detail.
GlowHost gives back by offering free web hosting to startup non-profit organizations operating in the United States of America and our Green Hosting Initiative is always evolving.
And speaking of the Good Ole USA, our call center is 100% American based, and our Technical Analysts operate in offices in the USA and Europe. Contact Information: Address: Stuart Florida 34997 United States Phone: +1.8882934678 Fax: +1.8774678568 Last Update: 05/28/2013 |
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